Wybory Prezydenta IFMR International 2022-25

W dniu 11 marca odbyły się wybory na Prezydenta IFMR World kadencji 2022-2025.
Najwięcej głosów otrzymał Sunil Telkar – dotychczasowy Sekretarz IFMR World. Obejmie to stanowisko 1 lipca 2022r.
Sunil Telkar to Past Assistant Governor RI District 3190, Past President i Członek RC Bangalore Kalyan. Jest też Prezydentem IFRP (International Fellowship of Rotatarian Photographers) India.

Election of the International IFMR President 2022-25
Dear friends,
Now comes the Great Hour. President Phil Watson and I have tallied the votes
independently. All were received on time, and all are valid.
We thank the candidates for their willingness to serve. Among all of you, the
Fellowship would have been in very good hands.

  • The results of the election for International President 2022-25 are as follows:
    Votes cast: 16 votes
    Sunil Telkar: 8 votes
    Peter Brown: 4 votes
    Michel Bernard Claude Lairé: 2 votes
    Brashant Babu: 1 vote
    Abstention: 1 vote

Thus, Sunil Telkar is the Incoming International President of our Fellowship.
Dear Sunil, congratulations! We wish you a steady hand for the new office.
The office will bring you great joy. You can be sure of our support.
Dear friends, we all raise our glasses to our new President tonight.

Take care of yourselves!
Kind regards,
Phil Watson & Dirk Jesinghaus


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